Hi! I know how Newgrounds works but I just created this account so I could submit some things and take more advantage of the Flash Portal. I visit it every day since I was 12. I know that this is a great portal but also filled with useless crap maded by people who just want to be recognize as idiots. I already submit several works from my father (his an artist) and when I'll get a complete Flash software, I'll start working. I'm available for collaborating in games and sometimes for movies. I know how to draw objects for games and animations ,how to work in Game Maker 7, RealBasic 2005 and some about Flash 8. I also enjoy exploring the Windows system so I can solve critical problems and errors on the computers. I also want to increase my experience points and medals. I also likecd to participate in the Tank Awards of the year with someone. If anyone wants to do a collab with me, just send me a Private Message.
Here's some of my works: